Brake fluid visit workshop перевод

Brake fluid visit workshop перевод

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The colours are blue and pink and black, but cold, unlike the source painting. Dark blues, reds, and purples impose themselves around a central figure. She is a muddy yellow, something organic compared to the color around her. Her figure is slightly distorted, abstracted, without detail.

Her hands, gentle, graceful, indistinct claws, reach up to her face. She appears to have no eyes, but perhaps they have yet to be added by the artist. Her mouth is red and quite vivid. She can speak. I really liked how vividly he described his image, so I tried to show how I pictured his words. The running water swallows everything I want. Virtaava vesi nielaisee kaiken haluamani. Everyday we look with greedy desire for nurturing food.

Pre-package baloney sandwiches and cheap cookies manufactured in India await us. On one of these bags, I painted a portrait of a women. Arrogant, perhaps, but conflicted by her emotions. She is uncomfortable. Surrounding her are little white flowers on branches from a tree. There is a juxtaposition between what is asked of her and what she feels and wants. Ее маленький каркас тела заставил меня задуматься о каждом маленьком существе на Земле, о жуках и, например, о шелковом черве и о том, как мы все важны в глазах Бога.

Это напомнило мне песню, поэтому мой перевод — это песня ». It reminded me of a song, so my translation is a song. I have always hated them, I tell myself, even if God does not. Why do I feel this way, I ask myself in my room as I figure how to your respond to your translation. Suddenly, I am reminded of when, as a child, I was chased around the playground by a girl holding a dead bug.

I had just asked her to be my girlfriend and she had just said no. I remember choosing to overreact about the bug, of running from her with hot tears on my cheek, and deciding to hate bugs. Ответ Томаса на перевод Юлии: Когда я читаю ваши истинные слова об универсальной ценности, которую мы все разделяем, я не могу не отбиваться от образов ошибок.

Я всегда ненавидел их, говорю я себе, даже если Бог этого не делает. Почему я так себя чувствую, я спрашиваю себя в своей комнате, когда я думаю, как ответить на ваш перевод. Внезапно мне вспоминается, когда в детстве меня на детская площадка за мной бегала девочка с мертвым жуком. Я помню, как решил слишком остро отреагировать именно на жука, убежать от нее с горячими слезами на моей щеке и принять решение ненавидеть жуков. Я не помню ее имени, или как она выглядела, или вообще ничего о ней, но я все еще ненавижу жуков.

The girl is wearing a black dress in which she wants to hide. She is insecure, standing on her lean legs insecurely. The gaze is empty, sad eyes. A serious and earnest mouth. Why is she sad? What has happened?

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I really like your work a lot. I drew red hair inside a black dress. Eyes, mouth, legs I separated and put them next to the dress in my drawing. Totinen suu.

Satisfied with their input on my painting, they wander off amicably. While in prison, separated from women and surrounded by other men, I have learned a lot about myself and the society that I came from.

I wonder about the social roles that I have asked others to play and how they must have felt in them. I wonder why I never asked these questions before. They are so small and so pale, in contrast to the dress, that you can barely see them. I decided to translate the arms a few times on top of each other.

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But this time, the dress was empty space, and the arms, while still small, were now bold and strong in red pastel. I was attracted by this poem that I could not read, with already a translation I could read, then I saw the statue of a woman with a child, by the same author Оксана Крутицкая Oksana Krytickaya.

So, my translation of the poem was influenced by the statue. And viceversa. I felt heavy and fluid at the same time while drawing the shape. I copied the words. Words worlds. Gaia Del Negro: Whilst watching the texts to translate I asked a question about this poem. I then was caught by the first prompt, the woman with baby statue. So my translation of the poem was influenced by that. As I drew the shape I felt smooth but burdened, heavy shoulders I have been feeling tense all day.

Yet we are connected. I am a magician! I created my world! The world is not at all like a rifle range! A world without weapons, a world without hunters! A world where animals do not need the slaughter!

My house is on a rainbow, and the sky is my bed. In the morning, spring drops of spring wake me up! You may not believe me, I will not convince you And when the evening falls I softly light the stars! My world is real, my world is beautiful! The sun is always, sleep is safe! Roses bloom under the snow, the snow does not melt!

Anything can happen in my world. People and animals — all as one! Everyone is his own master! Roses under the snow, as before, bloom! Thank you for your honest and true letter.

The difficult situation You found yourself in cannot be made easy right now but I would like to say to you:. Regardless of your past and your present, your life still belongs to You. I have never met You, but I can say for sure that your heart if beautiful, You are strong. And now, after the year you wrote about it you will resolve your situation, You will not die, you will overcome your hardship.

I drew the painted the most practical items, and then remembered that we need some beauty, too — so I added the skirt and high heel shoes. As I was following the lines, I started to think about the people living in the buildings.

As we have been in quarantine for some time, are we ready to leave or caves? The human suffering an intangled. Though we are same yet similarly impacted by destiny. Resources: 1. My own power: being positive, organised, firm, confident. My family and friends. FAITH 4. Girl with a strong personality. Loan but you must pay it back on time 3.

Personal savings 4. Equipment we have a sewing machine 5. Time an opportunity to focus on your business 6. Sew at home 7. Support from the government 8. Интерпретация, выполненная на мастер-классе Михаила Агафонова в девичьей воспитательной колонии в России. Every image is in transition, running, reaching for, the solidity of the strong buildings in the front!

I let things flow naturally from my mind through my hand onto the paper. This is what I was thinking about, imagining, feeling.

This is what I saw from my window. Imagination is a gate and will is a threshold stone. Mielikuvitus on portti ja tahto on kynnyskivi. She is walking free out of the door into the night, the opposite time of day as in the original. She is unchained, walking courageously and proudly out. The bars are behind her and the path into the future goes towards the sky. The seasons pass by. Time either moves very fast or very slowly when you are in jail.

I can only imagine. The weather must feel so different from where you are. I feel like this piece shows the body and soul die slowly and mercilessly and rot in jail while the prisoners only joy is to get see the beautiful world, so nature. Furthermore, I think it in a way portrays that fact that people who are free take basic things we see everyday like trees and the sky and fresh air very and just sort of disregard them.

Add your interpretation Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Sasha Skochilenko - Sasha Skochilenko , Interpretations Free Translation says:. July 29, at Sasha Skochilenko - Sasha ,. Sasha Skochilenko - Sasha , July 7, at Aleksandra Skochilenko - Sasha Skochilenko , Interpretations Jaana says:. KAJO - Lempeys ,. Tiina - Odotus , Anna - Fenix , Salvador Sani - Sideshow bob X Salvador , Sibelius - Freedom , Anastasia - What is outside , May 16, at Free Translation says:.

Niina - Kipu , Timoфei - Usko ja toivo rakkaudesta , September 7, at Interpretations Danai Anagnostou says:. Danai Anagnostou says:. Kate Auman says:.

August 22, at Utkarsh says:. Jo says:. Arlene says:.

Interpretations Gaia Del Negro says:. July 15, at Helena says:. June 30, at July 2, at Joslyn says:. June 25, at June 26, at June 29, at Interpretations Arlene says:. Hanna-Leena says:. Anastasia says:. July 16, at Interpretations Sinikka says:.

Sinikka says:. Interpretations Yulia says:. Kaija says:. Emily Kombe says:. Оксана Крутицкая Oksana Krytickaya - Загадка , Данное произведение искусства располагается напротив роддома,кто может расшифровать сие послание будущим мамам и папам - хожу мимо уже почти 30 лет и до сих пор не могу разгадать эту загадку Riddle, This work of art is located opposite the maternity hospital.

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Interpretations Nataliya says:. June 22, at Gaia Del Negro says:. June 19, at Arlene Tucker says:. June 12, at June 16, at June 9, at Kirn - Future IDs , May 7, at May 4, at Letter from Natasha, Natasha is serving a sentence in a detention camp in Russia. I grew up in an orphanage, and I am entitled to some money and an apartment. This is why I am asking, please help me, by sending me some warm clothes that I can wear on my realise day.

Elena, with respect, I will need winter boots, size 37, a coat, a long one so it covers the knees, size My height is 1m 63cm, a hat, mittens, warm socks and warm tights. If you happen to have clothes that are suitable for me, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for everything you have done, for the medicine you have sent.

All the best to you, stay well! March 20, at This is an excerpt from a letter from Marina. Marina who is currently serving a sentence in a female detention camp in Russia. She writes: Dear Elena, I am writing to you and sending you kindness, warmth and a lot of best wishes.

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Once you find yourself locked up, you realise that there is no one out there who cares about you. My mom and dad died. There is nothing to say about my other relatives. When I was a free woman, when I was working - everybody needed me, and now - nobody. All the best, wishing you a long life and a peaceful sky above your head.

June 15, at March 19, at Interpretations Juha Hilpas says:.

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June 18, at Interpretations Buildings as a source of protection or? Jhenna El-Sawaf says:. Khalid Imran - Untitled , 14th November May 15, at Todd Hollfelder - Not for You , Interpretations Lucille says:.

October 13, at Lucille says:. Todd Hollfelder - Boom , Interpretations Iines says:. Вышли из строя индикаторы нескольких систем. Возможно, что и некоторые системы вышли из строя. Возможен обрыв ребристого клинового ремня. В этом случае для продолжения движения необходима замена ребристого клинового ремня. В противном случае, вследствие выхода из строя насоса охлаждающей жидкости возможен перегрев, влекущий за собой повреждение двигателя.

В случае неисправности системы экстренного торможения Brake Assist BAS в распоряжении остается нормальное тормозящее действие тормозной системы без поддерживающей функции системы экстренного торможения Brake Assist.

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Для этого рулевое колесо повернуть от упора до упора. Следить за указателем температуры охлаждающей жидкости. Имеет место риск повреждения двигателя. Следует немедленно проверить уровень моторного масла.

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